#with yer inlaws
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Butterflies and Dragonflies.
Cw: none as far as im aware. Lmk tho.
Summary: a day spent together between Lazaro and his sibling Clove in the streets of Argentina.
A/n: I used an article written by a highlands scottish. Sorry for any inaccuracies.
>Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
--Ya knoe i love ya,Laz. Bu' I jus' have one question...--Clove began,nursing what has to be their third raspberry smoothie-- Why Chamber?. He looks like a fancy wai'er.
Lazaro let out a loud snort into his coke glass. Their eyes fall to the jacaranda petals at their feet that get washed in warm sunlight.
--At the time I didnt like him-- he answered,setting down their drink and taking a mouthful of a bite of their roasted chicken-- I dont even remember when I started liking him, maybe after that Espresso I gave him?
--Cannae believe it,One espresso s'all it takes fer ye t'fall head over heels fer some loon dressed like 'at
--Dont come at me--They pointed at his sibling accusatoringly with their pointer finger as they chew on the food still within their mouth-- When you get to know him,hes a really sweet guy.
--I reckon he doesn' fancy ye spillin' all 'is secrets like 'is-- they teased,their hand snatching another of the meat skewers. They bite on the food it holds.
--He can cry me a fucking River thats what I say Clove lets out a laugh and they almost choke on their food-- Ja! Serves you right,Chrysalis.
--'ats mean!--They chided,patting their chest a little as they seem to have a piece of food stuck in their throat-- if I die like 'is itll be embarassin'
--Ill never shut up about it.
--I'll make ye shut up,alrite. Once am back from my personal limbo...
They take another bite as they watch their brother shove mouthfulls of food into their maw. They wonder if their animal radiant nature had anything to do with their fast metabolysm and hunger.
--What aboot Cy,then? Is it the mysterious aura he has?--They asked,to then gasp and lean closer-- hev ye seen 'is mug? Is he handsome??
--I cant answer that-- he answered,wiping the corner of his mouth with the side of their wrist.
--Oh c'mon!!! He willny find oot!--they insist, their eyes sparkling like stars.
--No,trust me,he Will. And I wont hear the end of It. Like ever
--thir's not a camera nearby!
--Wouldnt be surprised if our phones are bugged...
--yer boyfriend's naw fun!-- they huffed,deinflating a little. Clove rests their head on their hand while the other grabs the skewer and keeps eating.
--Hes plenty fun, Chrys.
--Is he, tho?
--Yeah, youve heard his jokes--he answered,unbothered. He eats a few fries and put their hand to cover the sight of their Open mouth as they eat and speak-- I promise he can be fun,but theres certain things I cant tell you.
--i wis wi' him up n' 'till the mask fer a secret organization...but how come I cannae know more aboot my inlaw?
Lazaro sighed,cleaning their mouth with a napkin this time around. He feels the warm spring sun on their skin and as he scratches their sideburns he says-- hes just private,Clove. Very private.
--Can he at least join oor dnd nights?
--Im sure he'd be delighted...
He keeps eating as clover munches down on their food. Both had quite the apetite, Clove needed a lot of energy because of their whole unkillable thing. For Ranger it was a natural thing,the kind youre just born with- but their radiant nature defenetly did them no favors.
The midday goes by between conversations and after paying the pair goes to walk the streets of Buenos Aires to help with their digestion.
--Can I ask another thing?--Inquired Chrysalis.
--Heh,sure. What is it?
--Do they pay ye back in kind?--They asked,putting their hands in their pockets. Their grey,grey green eyes look at their brother with worry-- I mean I see ye doin' the impossible fer them,I jus' think its only fair they pay ye back...
--Hey,You May not see it but they do love me a lot-- He puts a strong arm around their shoulders and brings them closer. They can smell their cologne and their green Apple shampoo--Both show me love in different ways.
--Like whit?
--Both are always so attentive,always looking out for my needs--He explained,a look of reminiscence and fondness over glossy,daydreamy eyes-- Cypher always know what to say and do to comfort me, he helps me Keep calm,to organize myself. He makes me laugh,and his company makes me feel so thoroughly safe.
Clove raised their eyebrows,a little surprised. Theyve never seen this side of their co-workers- despite the fact that theyre quite New still.
--N' what aboot Chamber? What does he bring ta the table...? Is he jus' a pretty mug?
Lazaro laughed,shaking his head adamantly--No no!! Nothing of the sort!. He makes me feel safe,hes protective, he listens to me and really does take interest in what I tell him. He makes me feel seen,and helps me grow out of my shyness to ask for things. His gifts help me with that.
Clove looked up to the high building skyline of Argentina thats a mix of colonial buildings and modern architecture. Above them birds fly,cooing away as the masses around them walk and go on with their day.
--Guess He's not that bad,Aye?--They Gently elbow them on his bicep and smiles-- never seen those sides of 'em before.
--Well,Theyre a treat.--He ruffled their hair even if they bitch about it--You'll see.
--Ah piss off!!! Don' mess with ma hair!!
Lazaro was Driving down the highway,Clove was passed out with their cheek on the window. The radio plays softly,and they Keep their eyes on the road.
Humming along to the song. Its from one of their favorite artists: Studio Killers.
《Ooh, ooh, oh yeah
Ooh, ooh, oh yeah
Have you ever heard a calling
But you don't know where the sound is coming from?
Sometimes love
Is talking in a whisper》
Their phone rings,and they pick up and leave it in speaker mode.
--¿hola?-- they asked.
--My sun!--Comes the voice of Cypher-- how are you? Hows the little butterfly?
--Im alright,its been a fun day--he answered,scratching his chin beard-- N' clovie's asleep Next to me.
--Oh,i better be quiet then.
--Not so much,They seem to have a heavy sleep.
《Do you ever feel like falling
For someone you never though of falling for?
But without him
Though you move, you're getting nowhere》
--Oh...thats good-- he continued,sounding a little more relieved-- How was your day?
Their gaze gets lost but still attentive to the other cars in the highway. -- it was so fun! Lunch was lovely food was tasty,and spicy. We Walked for a while and got 'em some trinkets. They got some for me in return.
Cypher had an audible smile as he spoke--Thats really good. Im happy for you,dearest-- He seemed to be fiddling with something by the sound of clicking,shuffling And low arabic cusses-- Youre returning home,Yes?
--Aye!-- he answered,mimicking his loving sibling.
--Alright then,text me when youre home. -- he made a brief pause-- I miss you,habibi.
--Miss you too,corazon--he followed after-- talk to you later?
--Of course,my love. Have a good day
--You too
With the call ended,they up the volume of the radio just a little more.
《Tell me
Who is in your heart now?
When Leonard Cohen is singing "Hallelujah"
Who is in your heart now?
All your friends and foes, they thought they knew ya
But look who's in your heart now
You scared yourself
You are all of a doodah》
And soon,they pull away from the highway to begin end of their journey home.
Clove only remembers feelings of their journey in the car. They remember the cool air,how it kept them safe from the heat. They remember how safe they felt,how content... theyve never felt so at ease sleeping Next to someone.
They remember sitting in that mindscape of theirs,that limbo they live on when they are briefly taken down.
But...its different now.
Its an evergreen field with flowers that are the colors of sunset like their powers are. The sunlight is warm against their skin and the breeze is cold and soothing
A pair of arms go around them,Like a comforting hug. They lean into the sensation..
When they wake,they find themself snuggled up in a bed. They recognize the bedroom,and the balcony off to the side...
Did Lazaro Carry them home?
Rubbing away the sleep from their eyes, ever so slowly. They change into something oversized,comfortable. Then,they put on their horned headband and walk groggily down the Hall to the kitchen
In the air dances the smell of baked goods and hotcakes. Theres the sound of the singing of a boiling kettle.
--Hey! Ahà estás --(there you are) Laz Turned upon hearing the sound of footsteps. He offers them a smile as he flips one of the hotcakes.--Slept well?
They nodd--Did ye take me all the way upstairs?
Clove allows a smirk to appear on their sleepy face-- Many thanks. That smells wonderful,by the way.
--Its nothing--he replied,nodding towards the two high Chairs on the kitchen aisle in the middle of the kitchen/livingroom area-- its our merienda,Cmon take a set.
--Yer the best brother ever!--They squeaked, running towards the chair as their brother prepared the mate for them both.
Oh,how they love spending time with their awesome brother.
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Alma is crying because she sees Scott's bank account quickly drying up with the amount he's spent since dec '18 & what he will spend by July '20 and knows that when Tessa walks away nov 23, he's going to have a real hard time trying to refill his account on his own. She's worried that scackie will have to move in with her & joe during the summer since they live with her parents in Florida during the winter months.
And bcz she’s worried they’ll have to re-mortgage their house again to help him buy his booze and tobacco products.

#relax#im kidding#god#can you imagine#living in a 2 brdm condo#with yer inlaws#barfity barf#no fucking thx
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Dad: let’s walk the dogs!
Me: after you asked the inlaw if she ate lunch or not I expected fast food. That didn;’t happen. I have a pziza in the oven. Yer gonna have to wait mudder fukaaaa
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